
Reviews and Testimonials for VX Sport

VX Sport offers our player’s great feedback after training. Coaches and players get better knowledge
about performances on the field. It’s easy and simple to use. The players really appreciate it. VX Sport
customer service is very efficient and they keep improving their product all the time.
Gil Orriols Jansana
Montreal Impact Football – Canada
Assistant Coach & Physical Performance Manager

We have been delighted with the performance of the VXSport system. We have just finished some
validation work with the VX100 and findings are very positive. In November 2010 we be receiving the
real-time version and this will greatly enhance our research and teaching capability. We use the VXSport
system with students in the B.Ed. Physical Education and Bachelor of Sports Coaching degrees here at the
University of Canterbury. In addition, the product support/after sales service, often an issue with Sport
and exercise Science equipment have been second to none.
Nick Draper
University of Canterbury – New Zealand
Programme Coordinator Physical Education School of Sciences and Physical Education

“The GPS units developed by VX Sport have significantly enhanced our ability to accurately monitor player
workload during Hurricanes training sessions. The VX Sport unit and software are user-friendly, and
provide the information we require in a format that is understandable by trainers, coaches and players.
Currently we monitor total distance covered during a session as well as a breakdown of total distance
covered in each of the 5 individually-specified speed zones.
Personally I have found VX Sport an extremely good company to be associated with due to their continued
technical support, and their enthusiasm to continue developing a product which meets the evolving
requirements of S & C Coaches working with elite-level rugby players”.
David Gray
Hurricanes Super Rugby – New Zealand
Strength and Conditioning Coach

Since our purchase of our VX100 and VX220s in June, I have been very impressed with the level of
customer service and support provided. It certainly has justified my decision. The potential the
accelerometer component of the VX220 provides is quite exciting; I believe we have only scratched the
surface of its applications.
Bryan Dobson
Defence Technology Agency (DTA)
New Zealand Defence Force

VX Sport has changed the way we do things with cricket. Not only has it given us a real insight into the
actual physical demands of cricket but it has also changed the approach of how we train our players’ skills
and physical conditioning.
We use it at every fitness training to help with things such as measuring the distances and intensities that players
are travelling or need to travel, as well as technical aspects such as mapping a bowler’s efficiency in their
run-ups. We at New Zealand Cricket are only new to VX Sport so are only just starting to scratch the
surface of what we can do with the system.
No matter what time zone I am in around the world, help is only a quick email (with a very quick response)
away. VX Sport is changing the face of training in all aspects of what we do in international cricket.
Bryan Stronach
Black Caps – New Zealand Cricket
Strength and Conditioning Coach

VX Sport is an outstanding piece of hardware that I have used with the Japan National team for over
14months.Working with elite athletes everyday it has enabled me to understand the great demands
placed on their bodies and specifically monitor each individual’s training loads, heart rates and kilometres
covered in all sessions.
Our players and coaches now understand the importance of the VX units. It’s simplicity in its software
program yet technical capacity and value of information has been an integral part of our everyday
management of players.
VX Sport has now revolutionised the way Japan Rugby Union operates.
Marty Hulme
Japan Rugby Union
Fitness Consultant

VX Sport has been a part of a research study that has assessed the effect of self-paced walking on anxiety
and confidence in phase II and III cardiac populations. The monitors have been used to monitor walking
velocity throughout a 1 mile (1.6 km), variable topography, and 12 session walking intervention.
The monitor is easy to use with simple instructions to prepare and download participant data.
Dr James Faulkner
Massey University – New Zealand
Lecturer in Exercise Prescription
Institute of Food, Nutrition and Human Health
