VIDEOS – TMG workshop – Leeds, UK. (01 June 2017)
Leeds(UK) TMG Workshop 01 June 2017
Presentation Videos
Out of the laboratory and on to the podium…
Success with Scottish Swimmers and others
- Summary of useful indices
- Non-invasive Fibre typing (workload classification, muscle profiling, targeting interventions)
- Assess lateral and functional symmetry (injury risk, function, balance, skill)
- Assesment of fatigue
- directing a strength and conditioning programme with TMG
- comparing individuals within a sport (squad breakdown, injury management)
- reliability of TMG improves in an exercised state (coefficient of variation with athletes)
- Muscle changes throughout the course of the day…scheduling the right training at the right time
- pre-race, post-race, post warm-down data
- normal ranges of measurement
- different muscle profiles, different skills, training vs competition
- How to contextualise the TMG information (how to understand the asymmetry and reduce it)
- TMG strengths versus counter movement jump.
TMG in Football. Injury and return to play.
Contractile Properties in Rugby players
TMG in Surfing
How does TMG work?
TMG: muscle mass loss with age
TMG: Factors affecting measurement reliability.