VX Sport

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Performance you can see.

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Informing your intuition.

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Engineered for Success.





Components of the VX System

Greater than the sum of the parts







The VX System can be tailored to suit you

One system, flexible solutions.

VX Hardware

VX Sport wearable technology is recognised globally for providing accurate and reliable data to optimise
athlete performance. Coaches can download data after training sessions or matches with the VX View Log,
or analyse training sessions and matches in realtime with the VX Live Log.  All VX Sport systems include
vests, heart rate straps, VX Logs, and a charge/carry case.  

VX Software

VX Sport’s simple and easy to use software is sold in modules so that you can choose exactly what you need,
and don’t end up paying for tons of features you never use.  Additionally, you can add new modules at
anytime so that you can start simple and grow into more complex analysis, planning, and customization over


Bring your favourite tools.

Premium Software Integrations
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